

ATTENTION PING PONG ENTHUSIASTS! Do not miss this rare opportunity!

Word4Asia is co-chairing with Amity Foundation in Nanjing, China for an unprecedented event…the first ever International Philanthropic Ping Pong Tournament in China!

As co-chair, I have accepted the challenge to bring two high level teams from the USA to compete. We have one so far. (One of the players is 2400 rated. They will be invited to do exhibition demonstrations in various venues as well as compete.) 

I am looking for one more high-level team! Please let us know if you would like to be a candidate for this honor. For the team selected we will cover all expenses while you are in China. In addition, we may be able to help cover some of your international airfare.

Dates: October 19-20, 2024
Place: 13,000 seat Nanjing Olympic Sports Center Stadium
Cost: Free! No fees to participate in the event.
Purpose: To promote friendship and use proceeds for various community service projects.

We are planning for 1000 players! All ages, men and women, and all levels of play will
be grouped accordingly.

We just returned from visiting with the steering committee in Nanjing, China, and they are excited! In fact, the Jiangsu Foreign Affairs Office met with us, and they have decided to throw their weight behind this event. While no one knows what makes history before it happens, this could well be the beginning of a positive series of friendship building opportunities. Some of you remember 50 years ago when President Nixon opened up relationships with China via ping-pong diplomacy. Since that time, the Sino-American relationship has been up and down. We are now ready for the 50-year anniversary of ping-pong diplomacy.

While China did not invent ping pong, they seem to own it today. Want a once in a lifetime experience? This could be it! For detailed information, please write to: She will send you rules, guidelines, and a form to fill out to register your team.